We ran out of cordial which is what I was living on. Bleck.
Im going shopping today and getting more. Maybe.
I have also been suicidal the past two nights.
I was doing so well and then BAM. Everything hits me again.
I didn't even get up out of bed to get anything for any sort of self harm so I am proud of myself.
I am also not going to be getting stoned tonight. Maybe. If they have already bought a stick then I will pay them back for it definately. I just don't want all my bad moods to come crashing down with a group of my friends. It would be terrible.
I am trying to drink 2L of water a day. Yesterday I made it too 1800mls or 1.8L for people who don't know mililitres and litres.
I haven't had tea for a while so im going to do that.
I am going to be really upset if I go back to college over 47kg after this weekend.