smallasapanda - thankyou for commenting :) Im glad it didn't freak you out. Did it just randomly stop one day? And Dying Breed is a movie about cannibals in Tasmania. I plan to visit where it was filmed xD
I shall update you all with my weight when I get. No screw it I will wait to post untill I have weighed myself.
Okay so im 47.4kg this morning. Last night I was 47.8kg supposably. I just want the god damn bloat to go away and stop ballooning my weight.
Plus im doubting me being a lesbian is true, I have had countless dreams about screwing Marilyn Manson. Im just fucked up at the moment.
Today im just going to survive on drinks till I get home. If im going to get food then its going to be healthy.
Hello I am from Pretty Thin and thought id support everyone by following there blog and hearing each individuals story!! i hope you enjoy my blog and follow as well =)
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
I just wanted to Say Good job and You're beautiful ! And Keep going you can do it