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Thursday, May 19, 2011

You probably dont care but...

I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. Amazingly.
I am 46kg at the moment according to my sisters scale. Which is no where near low enough, especially since she is trying to lose weight herself. No one will bloody listen to me when I tell them that, they are all like "it's just a phase" bull fucking shit you stupid fucking idiots. If she develops an eating disorder im going to laugh in their stupid fucking faces.

Okay, rant over. I need to go. Will update in a few days when I have lost some weight.

Friday, March 25, 2011

New incense!

So I got new incense and a new incense holder which I love.


Sorry about the shitty picture quality. My camera decided to shit itself so I had to use my phone.

The incense I got was Cannabis, Black Magic and Yoga Meditation. Yes there is Cannabis scented incense. It's actually really good. My mother told me I shouldn't have gotten it because now she can't tell if my sister is smoking pot in her room or not (inside joke, my sisters pretty wierd). I laughed properly for the first time in ages.

I now have five boxes of incense. My two others are Kiwifruit and Bewitched. All smell amazing. Im burning the yoga meditation one now and ... wow. I recommend it xD I will try get a picture of the boxes at some point. I might buy a new camera.

So yes, no posting about food today. Just incense.

Monday, March 21, 2011


So I checked my scale and it said 48kg. Then I checked it again and it said 46.6kg. Checked again and it said 46.6kg. So im assuming im actually 46.6kg. Regardless it is too much.

Im only eating soup for dinner from now on. Everything else hurts my stomach.

I also lost a follower. If you are still somehow reading this it would be nice to know why.

Im going to keep cleaning my room. I made myself an incense table in the middle with cushions surrounding it to sit on. So it's lower chest level when you sit down. I quite like it.