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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Goodbye useless pound and comment answers :)

So I lost a pound since yesterday. God knows how with all those bloody lollies. It was probably all the walking that did it actually.

Im going by what I used to do. If it's junky and I have had it before then I don't need to eat it because I already know what it tastes like and it's just weight gain waiting to happen. If I haven't had it before I can have some but only in moderation so I don't gain weight from it.

@wj89 - Yes I am/was a vegetarian. Working towards being a pescetarian. Then im going to start eating chicken and that will be all. Im a bit worried about finding out the calories in these things because I don't know the servings sizes and such but it's something else to occupy my time I guess.

Continuing on from the comment answer I ate seafood salad yesterday. I hadn't had anything like this for three years so in my desperation I ate it fast and hoped it would make me sick. It didn't and I somehow lost weight aswell so im not complaining. I shall add seafood to the food page, the closest I have come to eating chicken is chicken stock and natural chicken flavouring in the processed foods I occasionaly (or daily at the moment) treat myself with.


Toomi - I have a feeling I answered yours already lmao but I will definately have a look the next time my family goes food shopping. The herbed ones sound amazing.

smallasapanda - Err I failed giving up smoking. Majorly bad cravings and walking around town where it's legal to smoke everywhere in the streets = cave. None today though so I might try again. Might. Regardless im not smoking past new years and that's a promise to everyone and I don't break promises.Is it bad that I feel like im letting you down when I fail? lmao.


Last but not least my horrible intake. Im training myself for chicken so...
1 yoghurt -150
bbq chicken mi goreng noodles - 420
Holy jebus.. I won't gain off that but that's a bloody lot. Don't worry the rest of the day will be vegetables to help flush the gunk out of my system. Well vegetables and a banana smoothie :) It's going to be one frozen banana (120), small amount of milk (180), yoghurt (150) but it will be good and filling and im going on the treadmill for some major calorie burning later.


  1. You can so quit smoking!!! I ain't gonna lie, it's not a cakewalk, but it's like restricting. You fail every once in a while then you get right back on but it gets easier and easier. I'm almost at a year without a smoke. I've barely noticed it the lsat few months.

  2. If you can give up certain foods with that self-control smoking should be doable too :)
    Def a good idea eating chicken, it's really good for you, as is fishiesss.
    I find things that are sugary like lollies don't make me gain, usually just high saturated fats.

    You barely ate anything :) But i know how 420 can seem like so much in one meal.
    You're doing fine! :)
