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Thursday, December 23, 2010

My view

I was looking on because I am highly interested in Satanism as it represents a lot of the beliefs I have hid inside a fair amount of the time. Such as self satisfaction, living for yourself instead of for others, treat people as they treat you, don't harm children, don't kill animals unless harmed or for food, etc. If you look on the site and read around you will see much more than what the media represents.

Anyway on an application form to represent the church of satan to a greater extent, (yes there is an application form, it is so people don't go out to the media representing the church of satan and making up bullshit, they want to be represented properly and undo some of the mistakes others have made about satanism) and the form had a question. The question was "Define Satan." Simple right?

Well no not for me. My definition is:
Satan is a label for anything negative or opposite to popular beliefs. That is the number one definition I have for the word satan. Another definition is self-satisfaction. I believe self-satisfaction is a large part of "Satan". In books and storys - satan as a being - was always shown as taking what he needed and occasionally sparing others, in turn earning satisfaction for "himself", which caused a negative attitude from others.

That's my small non-sensical version of my definition on it anyway.

Okay I might post later. It's 10pm though so it isn't very likely.
I do want your views on satanism though so comment away. BUT, only if they are intelligent and not something idiotic like "satanists kill people and worship the devil" because that is completely wrong and I would simply tell you to visit the website and see for yourself what satanism really is.

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