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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Extra post from 17th November 2010

Im in an amazing mood for some reason but with amazing moods come security and with security comes extra eating I dont need.

I have eaten everything I want to eat for today and thats two bowls of soup for a grand total of 400 calories. Over-estimated of course. Why under-estimate if you can over-estimate?

I have joined several groups on PT.

I saw one but think im too much of a group whore so I now plan to lose 14lbs by January 1st. without the group I saw. In my measuring system its 6.3kg. So im aiming for 7kg to make it evens. I will finally be at my low weight and be able to break the barrier. I want to push my body to the limits but I dont want to die. I already have heart problems so im screwed either way.

My Dad is sending me some multi-vitamins so im looking foreward to that. They are chewy ones that dont taste horrible aswell. I will just have to refrain from eating to many which is what I used to do with another chewy vitamin thing I was taking. Till I realised they were sabotaging me.

I have scabies again... it's shit. Im so itchy. This also means another doctors appointment which im not going to make because I will forget it, thank you almost non-exhistant short term memory.

So im 160cm (5'3)
and currently 47.3kg (104lbs)
Lowest weight is 40kg (88lbs)
Which is what I will be by January 1st.

And that's also the day im flying to another state to see Dad. Everythings all melting together quite well.

Now the tricky bit... I need to lose 0.16kg a day to reach my goal weight.

Very do-able.

Especially since eating over 600 calories isn't an option.

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