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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holy Shit it's the 1st of December

Time really escapes you when you don't sleep at night and sleep during the day. I can't sleep at night it sucks. I either stay up untill the sun comes up then sleep or pass out from exhaustion. Then oversleep...
Great cycle I have going on.

Today my intake so far is:
iceblock -40

I plan on eating only veggies when I get hungry so
broccoli -50
broad beans -16 cal each.

Shame broad beans are so high calorie. They actually taste good cooked.

Lunch I am having:
1 egg -78 (I researched it and its actually 78 for a large egg)

For dinner I will have
Broccoli -52 (I researched this aswell and its another 2 calories higher than I thought O.o)
5 broad beans -80
1 egg -78

Totals: Cal: 288 Protein: 22.45g Fat: 11.7g Carbs: 12.5g Fibre: 10.8g

Tomorrow I might just mung out on broad beans. High protein and fibre, low fat but also high carbs but it's hard to do the whole low carb thing if you don't eat meat since meat has virtually no carbs >.>

I need to start eating 20g dietry fibre a day again. My errr organs arent working as per usual lets just say.

Plus I have been looking at my skin and it is terribly dry. It's horrible.


And last note: If you have a blog and have followed mine can you comment if I haven't joined it? It's hard to sift through everyone to find new followers with blogs. :)

And 16 followers which is amazing :)

Im also not eating junk because pot may be involved in the future and alchohol may be aswell. Hello munchies and soft drink xD I need to keep the junk away till the binging >.>
Which i won't care about untill I put on weight because I will be off my face...


  1. Hi! I started following yesterday :)

  2. Hey there, i started following your blog today. I wish i was in the 40's again, it's been years! And you're taller than me. How long have you been dating your girlfriend? I read in your earlier posts you were thinking of proposing, that's so nice.
    Follow my blog too! :)
